Hangers for Hanging Frames

Hangers for Hanging Frames


from 1,12 €
from 0,94 € (Net)

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1 Hanging Frames (2 pcs)25 Hanging Frames (50 pcs)Hanging Frames (1000 pcs/box)


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  • Aufhänger für Rückrahmen
  • Aufhänger für Rückrahmen
  • Aufhänger für Rückrahmen
  • Aufhänger für Rückrahmen
  • Aufhänger für Rückrahmen

  • Description
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The AR angles and plates are simply slid into the channel of the aluminium sides and screwed tightly to form a frame. First, form a “Ü” using 3 sides of the frame; angles and plates need to be installed simultaneously into the last piece of the frame and slid into the Ü form making a completed frame. The use of a square or 90° jig is very useful when tightening screws.
The AR eurohanger can be placed in the channel before or after the frame is assembled, once positioned simply tighten with a screwdriver.

For one frame (2 pcs / set)

Title : Hangers for Hanging Frames
Item number: AR-EH-Master
Farbe: Silber
Material : Aluminium


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