Hanging Frame 8x25mm, mitre cut

Hanging Frame 8x25mm, mitre cut


from 2,45 €
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  • Rückrahmenleiste 8x25mm, auf Gehrung geschnitten

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The strips are made of extruded aluminium and already mitred (45°).
The solution for hanging panels "invisibly": Hanging plates or aluminium strips are glued behind the panel - the picture hangs freely in front of the wall.
For smaller pictures use the self-adhesive sheets, for heavier pictures it is recommended to glue the aluminium strips as whole frames. We will be happy to supply you with the strips cut to size.
Important: The mouldings and the back plates must be thoroughly cleaned with acetone or our cleaning cloths before gluing. The adhesive tape must be pressed firmly onto the strip, then the strip firmly onto the panel. You can use our hand roller, for example. The composite should be weighted down for 24 hours before the picture is sent or hung.

Title : Hanging Frame 8x25mm, mitre cut
Item number: AR080-CUT-Master
Substance: Aluminium, extrudiert
Suitable for: Freischwebende Aufhängung von Plattenmaterialien


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